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Roasted eggplant with curd cream and goat cheese and annatto oil and spices

Photo of the Roasted eggplant with curd cream and goat cheese and annatto oil and spices – recipe of Roasted eggplant with curd cream and goat cheese and annatto oil and spices on DeliRec
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Roasted eggplant with curd cream and goat cheese and annatto oil and spices


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


1 servings

Bruno Gandelman

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Medium eggplant1 unit(s)
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil4 tablespoon
  • Annatto seeds1 tablespoon
  • Salt2 coffee spoon
  • Small garlic cloves2 unit(s)
  • Cumin1 coffee spoon
  • Pepperoni Pepper1 teaspoon
  • Chopped coriander seeds1 teaspoon
  • Cured goat cheese50 g
  • Firm curd170 g
  • Fresh coriander leaves to taste
  • chopped Brazil nuts1 tablespoon
  • Chopped cashews1 tablespoon
  1. Bake the eggplant directly over the stove flame, turning every minute so it doesn't burn, until it's completely tender (15-20 minutes). Take it to a closed container or covered with plastic film and set aside.
  2. Remove the annatto seeds (annatto can be found in some street fairs) and place on a low heat with 3.5 tablespoons of oil. Always stir until it starts to form small bubbles and then count 5 minutes and keep stirring without letting the oil boil until you get a colorful and aromatic result. This process can be replaced by the use of coloral, but as the coloral contains manioc flour or cornmeal, the result may be a little different. Remove the seeds (it is not difficult to remove with a spoon but you can use a sieve), add the chopped garlic and spices and a pinch of salt. Heat for another 5 minutes, during this time roast the chestnuts over low heat in a frying pan until golden brown, being careful not to burn them. Turn off and let the oil cool in the skillet.
  3. In a bowl, mash the cheese well with a fork, add the curds, 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Mix everything very well until you have a paste and keep it in the fridge.
  4. Peel the eggplant carefully so that it remains whole and cut in half lengthwise keeping the two halves together by the stem.
  5. On a plate spread the curd cream and arrange the open eggplant on top. Drizzle with the seasoned olive oil, a handful of the roasted chestnuts and the coriander leaves. Serve this beautiful starter with pita bread and you will be amazed. Have a good time!!

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