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mushroom risotto

Photo of the mushroom risotto – recipe of mushroom risotto on DeliRec
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mushroom risotto


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Tempo de preparo

50 min(s)


4 servings

Téia Lofrano

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Arborio rice2 cup
  • Dried Funghi50 g
  • Vegetable broth1 l
  • Funghi hydration broth500 ml
  • Chopped Onion1 unit(s)
  • Squeezed garlic3 unit(s)
  • Dry white wine1 cup
  • Butter50 g
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil to taste
  • Finely grated Parmesan cheese100 g
  • Chopped Parsley3 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  1. Heat 500 ml of water and place the fungui to hydrate for 20 min. (when the water heats up, turn off the heat and let the fungui soak, hydrating). Drain and reserve this broth, chop and reserve the fungui.
  2. Heat 25 grams of butter with a drizzle of olive oil and sauté the chopped onion for 3 minutes. Add the minced garlic and fungui and sauté for 1 minute.
  3. Add the rice, mix well and let it cook for 2 minutes. Add the wine and let it quickly evaporate.
  4. Drizzle your risotto, alternating the vegetable broth and the fungui hydration broth until it is al dente (cooked but firm - approximately 18 minutes)
  5. Put salt and pepper to taste. In the last addition of broth, stir and turn off the heat (Do not let it dry completely, the risotto should be very wet).
  6. With the fire off, add the Parmesan, parsley and the rest of the butter and stir vigorously to emulsify the butter (this will make your risotto shiny and creamy). Cover the pan and wait 5 before serving.
  7. TIP: serve with a drizzle of truffle oil on top.

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Chef Téia Lofrano's Funghi Risotto Recipe

The sensational funghi risotto recipe here at DeliRec that you just learned is authored by the culinary lover and wonderful Téia Lofrano, who shares and teaches her creations on our page. Chef Téia teaches delicious and uncomplicated recipes on her page, so you can venture into the kitchen without much complexity. Another amazing characteristic of the chef's recipes is that she is diverse in her dishes, and no matter what your dietary choice is, you will find a fantastic meal to prepare. Funghi risotto is perfect for those who are vegetarian or vegan, but even if you're not, you can try it and definitely enjoy it! Meatless dishes are also flavorful and delicious, like this one with mushrooms.

Dried funghi risotto: beyond delicious, it's healthy!

Some people may be a little hesitant about the taste of mushrooms and preparing dishes with them, but they don't know what they're missing! And not just in terms of having the chance to try a very tasty dish, because creamy funghi risotto is the kind of meal that you'll have and be enchanted by the flavor, but because they're great for your health.

Dried funghi is a type of mushroom that is very beneficial to our body and pleases the palate, as evidenced by the funghi risotto dish, a meal that we can come across in various places and is still seen as "fancy".

By consuming funghi risotto, you will be increasing your immunity and strengthening your bones. Like most mushrooms, this one, originated from Chile, also helps in preventing type 2 diabetes, has antioxidant function, helps in preventing diseases related to the heart, and one of its greatest benefits: dried funghi can be an ally in preventing cancer.

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