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Mollet egg, orange mashed potato and funghi oil

Photo of the Mollet egg, orange mashed potato and funghi oil – recipe of Mollet egg, orange mashed potato and funghi oil on DeliRec
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Mollet egg, orange mashed potato and funghi oil


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


4 servings

Bruno Gandelman

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Medium Orange Sweet Potato3 unit(s)
  • Eggs at room temperature4 unit(s)
  • Garlic Cloves2 unit(s)
  • Butter1 dessert spoon
  • Fleur de sel to taste
  • Roasted and broken Brazil nuts1 tablespoon
  • Funghi oil (see tip)4 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste
  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Take it to a pan, add the lightly crushed garlic cloves and cover with water. Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat or until tender. Reserve some of the cooking water.
  2. Take the boiled potatoes to a plate or container, remove the garlic skins and mash everything with a fork. Use the cooking water to get the desired texture. Add the butter and mix to obtain a homogeneous puree. Taste, correct the salt if necessary and return to the pan.
  3. In a pan with enough boiling water to cover one egg, place one egg and leave for 5:30 minutes on the timer. Remove and place in a bowl of ice water. Repeat the operation with all the eggs. Reserve the hot water.
  4. With a spoon, break the eggshells completely and peel them carefully.
  5. dish assembly
  6. Heat the puree and place a generous spoonful in the center of the plate. Make a hole in the middle with a spoon to form a nest. Take the eggs to the pan with hot water for a few seconds just to heat up and with the help of a slotted spoon remove so they don't overcook. Place the eggs on top of the puree nests and drizzle with the funghi oil. Sprinkle a pinch of fleur de sel (or regular salt) over the eggs, distribute a handful of the chestnuts and serve immediately. Freshly ground black pepper is optional.

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