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homemade natural yogurt

Photo of the homemade natural yogurt – recipe of homemade natural yogurt on DeliRec
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homemade natural yogurt

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Tempo de preparo

1 day(s)


10 servings

Nayara Ataide

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Natural unsweetened yogurt1 unit(s)
  • Whole milk1 l
  1. Heat the milk taking care not to boil. As soon as balls form, turn off the heat. If you have a culinary thermometer, as soon as it reaches 90 Degrees, turn off.
  2. Immediately transfer the milk to a glass container, preferably with a lid.
  3. Reserve some of the milk for mixing the yogurt.
  4. Wait for the temperature of the milk to drop to approx. 45 degrees. Or until you can keep your finger in the milk without burning yourself for 5 seconds.
  5. Mix the yogurt in the reserved milk and after mixing well, add it to the rest of the milk.
  6. After mixing everything, cover very well, first with plastic film, then with the lid of the container, also wrap it in a dish towel and let it rest in a warmer place or that is protected for at least 8 hours.
  7. After that time your yogurt will be ready and ready to eat. Consume pure, with fruits and cereals and seeds, or blend with your favorite fruit.

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