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Grilled vegetables on the grill.

Photo of the Grilled vegetables on the grill. – recipe of Grilled vegetables on the grill. on DeliRec
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Grilled vegetables on the grill.


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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


5 servings

Jorge Filho

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Baroa Potato, Zucchini, Eggplant, Carrot, Banana, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Fresh Asparagus, Red Onion. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Coarse Salt, Thyme, Rosemary1500 kg
  1. In a pan put water to boil Clean the carrots well, Broccoli and cauliflower and asparagus, Baroa potato, cut the vegetables. Shock carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, Baroa potato, in hot water for approximately 4 minutes. Then put the carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus in ice water to blanch. Cut the plantains, zucchini, eggplant in the same way as the others. Only the red onion that will be in Rodelas. In a bowl, add all the vegetables and a very generous thread of olive oil, lightly chop the herbs and season with salt to taste.
  2. On a grill already heated in a medium brazier, place a Grill and place the vegetables to grill according to the order of time.
  3. In a marinex arrange all the vegetables your way

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