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Vegetable and Peel Pie

Photo of the Vegetable and Peel Pie – recipe of Vegetable and Peel Pie on DeliRec
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Vegetable and Peel Pie


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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


4 servings

Daliane Azambuja

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Banana Peel2 unit(s)
  • Potato with skin1 unit(s)
  • Carrot with peel1/2 unit(s)
  • Natural Water300 ml
  • Free-range Chicken Broth Tablet1 unit(s)
  • Salt to taste
  • Oregano to taste
  • Eggs2 unit(s)
  • Wheat Flour1 tablespoon
  • Margarine1 tablespoon
  1. I washed the banana peels well and cut them into cubes, put the peels in a frying pan with 50 ml of water and let it cook, stirring occasionally.
  2. I cut the half carrot with the peel into small triangles and put it together in the frying pan and added another 50 ml of water. (The water had already dried up). Carrot was washed.
  3. I cut the potato with the skin into strips and put it in the frying pan along with the banana peels and half a carrot. I added another 50ml of water and let it cook. It's going to give you a stir.
  4. After I sautéed it well and the water had dried, I added another 100 ml of water and added the chopped free-range chicken broth. The seasoning can be replaced by a Sazón.
  5. My water was dry and as the skillet I used was not non-stick and as I didn't use any kind of fat I had to add another 50ml of water so it wouldn't burn because it was already setting and the potato wasn't well cooked yet. I booked.
  6. In a bowl I put 2 eggs and lightly beat I added a pinch of salt, oregano and wheat flour, margarine and mixed well.
  7. In a round shape I mixed my sautéed vegetables with the mixture I made with the eggs, spread the mixture well in the shape.
  8. I took it to bake in my 10 Liter Britânia oven for 20 minutes with the top and bottom toaster on.
  9. As I didn't grease the pan, my pie gets stuck on the bottom, but it's delicious. There's no way to know that it has a rind, neither by the taste nor by the appearance, they will only know that it has rinds if you tell them.
  10. The banana peels were fresh because I ate a banana and my mother ate another, I already washed it and cut it. I don't use the ends of the bark, I take the stalk and black part from the other end and put it outside or on the plants as fertilizer.
  11. Last photo contains rice, scrambled beans and my vegetable and shell pie.

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