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Pea and Soy Protein Meatballs

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Pea and Soy Protein Meatballs


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Tempo de preparo

80 min(s)


3 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Granulated soy protein1.5 cup
  • Soaked Peas1 cup
  • Oat bran4 tablespoon
  • Chickpea flour1 tablespoon
  • Peanut flour0.5 cup
  • Sunflower Nugget2 tablespoon
  • Onion, Leek, Spices, Shoyo, Olive Oil1 to taste
  1. 🌱100%veganx Pea and Soy Protein Meatballs I used: 1 1/2 tsp. granulated soy protein 1 cup of peas already soaked 4 c. oat bran soup 1 c. chickpea flour 1/2 cup of peanut flour 2 c. of sunflower nugget soup (optional, it can be any broken seed, but it makes all the difference) Leek, onion, seasonings, soy sauce and olive oil to taste All these flours can be replaced by oats or manioc flour. But the peanut flour made the difference.
  2. I'm the queen of mise en place, I can't cook if I don't have everything pre-prepared. So we start with the preparations, all together to synthesize the time: Peas: 7 min under pressure until soft, to mash with a fork. Soy protein: soak in boiling water for 20 min. Then, drain it right and season as you wish. We made a kind of Arab seasoning, with smoked paprika, curry, black pepper and a pinch of cinnamon. Soy watering (enough to darken the soybeans, but not too much to make it salty). Cover and leave to marinate in the seasonings for about 20 minutes. Seeds: 10 min. in the oven to toast, then just break them by hand.
  3. After the soybeans have refined the seasonings, transfer to a pan with onions sautéed in olive oil, already golden brown. Let the soy fry there in the onion until it is also golden, well fried. Once this is done, just mix the ingredients to give the alloy. But first, the soybeans need to cool down a bit. Mix in the soy: the finely chopped leek, the mashed pea and add the flour mix, enough to reach the desired texture. They DO NOT STICK to the hand and are very easy to handle to make balls.
  4. Grease a baking dish with olive oil, preheat the oven and bake the balls for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare your sauce. We use ready-made tomato sauce, in the sautéed onion, parsley, chives and salt and sugar to balance the acidity. Once the balls are roasted, just put them in the boiling sauce to incorporate the flavors and voila, it's ready. Ps: instead of going to the oven to turn into a meatball, you can take the balls to fry in immersion and serve as a "snack".

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