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Photo of the Nat's Fresh Cheese – recipe of Nat's Fresh Cheese on DeliRec
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Nat's Fresh Cheese


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Tempo de preparo

2 hour(s)


1 servings

Natália Abreu

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Pasteurized milk5 l
  • Calcium Chloride2 ml
  • Ha-La Curd5 ml
  • Filtered water3 tablespoon
  • Salt100 g
  1. Using a culinary thermometer, heat the milk to 36°C.
  2. Add the calcium chloride straight to the milk and stir well in circles.
  3. Then, dilute the rennet in 3 tablespoons of filtered water for 1 minute.
  4. Add the rennet, already diluted, to the milk, mixing very well in circles. Let the milk stand for 45 minutes until it turns into curds.
  5. The curd point occurs when it comes off the side of the pan, with a firmer and smoother consistency. After the rest time, with the aid of a knife, make cuts in the curd horizontally and then vertically, until the curd is cut into cubes of approx. 1cm each.
  6. After cutting, wait 5 minutes for the curd to heal. At this time, the yellowish serum will appear. From the cut, count 30 minutes to be able to start forming.
  7. After waiting 5 minutes, start mixing. With light movements, stir the curd in circles, from bottom to top, very gently so that it does not lose mass in the whey, thus affecting the production result. Stir for 20 minutes.
  8. Dilute the salt in a glass of whey and add it directly to the dough. Stir gently. Heat the dough again over low heat, stirring constantly and gently, until it reaches 42°C. You will notice that the beans will be more consistent and you will expel more whey.
  9. After 30 minutes after cutting the dough, check if it is ready to form: with the help of a cheese mold, add a good amount of dough and see if the whey will drain easily (very quickly). If so, you're on point! If not, stir a little more and test again.
  10. After shaping the cheese, wait 20 minutes for it to drain well and turn the cheese so that it takes shape on the other side as well. Then just take it to the fridge for 2 hours and your cheese without preservatives will be ready to eat! Makes 1 cheese approx. 500g As it is fresh cheese, the shelf life is on average 7 days under refrigeration. It must not be frozen.

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