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Photo of the my way of lasagna – recipe of my way of lasagna on DeliRec
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my way of lasagna


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


25 servings

Tatiana Santos

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Adria's Lasagna Pasta2 unit(s)
  • Tomato Extract4 unit(s)
  • Ham600 g
  • Mozzarella800 g
  • Ground beef1 kg
  • Garlic2 to taste
  • Salt1 dessert spoon
  • Oil1 cup
  • Water4 cup
  1. Crush the garlic and put it in a pan to brown, then pour the ground beef and when it turns gray cooked season to your taste stir and then add the tomato paste pour the cups of water to dilute the extract stir well until it boils.
  2. Lasagna assembly Take a form add a little sauce without the meat preferably and start assembling the lasagna. Place the pasta until it covers the shape, finishing it, pour sauce over the pasta then add a layer of ham and another layer of cheese, always ending with the lasagna pasta on top of the cheese or ham depending on the shape you assemble. Always pour the hot sauce over the pasta and repeat until the pan is full. Finishing, take it to the oven at 180° for 30 minutes or until you stick a fork or toothpick and remove without the dough rising. There it is ready. Take it out of the oven and it's ready to serve.

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