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Photo of the Mushroom risotto – recipe of Mushroom risotto on DeliRec
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Mushroom risotto


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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


4 servings

Caio Pedroso

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Arborio Rice300 g
  • Onion (or shallot)125 g
  • unsalted butter30 g
  • Vegetable Broth (see basic recipe for risottos)1.5 l
  • Fresh grated Parmesan cheese120 g
  • Mushrooms (Paris, Portobello, Shimeji…)300 g
  • Dry White Wine100 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Parsley to taste
  1. Start by preparing the mushrooms. Clean them with the help of a damp paper towel, removing excess soil. Cut into slices (in the case of Paris and Portobello) and into small pieces (the Shimeji). Don't forget to separate some more beautiful units for the plate decoration.
  2. In a heated skillet, add a generous drizzle of olive oil and brown the mushrooms with a pinch of salt until they lose most of their water and caramelize. Reserve.
  3. Before starting the risotto preparation, make sure you have all the ingredients weighed and cut for the process. Put the broth to warm up and keep the butter in the fridge for completion.
  4. In a heavy-bottomed pan, put a thread of oil and let the onion sauté until translucent. Add the arborio rice and stir well, letting it brown lightly for approximately 30 seconds. (Roasting the beans is essential for them to absorb the broth more slowly, ensuring whole beans united by a cream). At this point, I recommend adding a light pinch of salt, be careful, because in the end we hit the salt.
  5. Add the white wine. Let the wine practically dry and start, ladle by ladle, to pour the broth into your risotto. Never let the rice dry completely and make light and constant movements, so that the grains do not break and all the starch is released, guaranteeing a creamy final product. Ideally, use medium-low heat.
  6. Taste the beans with each new ladle of broth. Remember that the rice is “al dente”, fully cooked, but still with some resistance when eating. (See the cooking time indicated by the manufacturer).
  7. Once the rice is at the desired point, turn off the heat and add the mushrooms and Parmesan cheese. Mix well and add the cold butter, add the butter to the risotto. Taste and adjust salt and pepper. Also add the chopped parsley to taste. Cover the pan and let the risotto rest for a few minutes. Serve immediately.
  8. SERVING SUGGESTION: Toast a Portobello mushroom, cut in half vertically, in butter. Finish with freshly chopped parsley and a drizzle of olive oil. Enjoy your food!

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