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Girl's finger pepper jelly

Photo of the Girl's finger pepper jelly – recipe of Girl's finger pepper jelly on DeliRec
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Girl's finger pepper jelly


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


30 servings

Vagner Dutra

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Grated large green apple, peeled and seeded1 unit(s)
  • Girl's Finger Pepper2 unit(s)
  • Orange juice200 ml
  • Garlic Clove1 unit(s)
  • Sugar1 cup
  • Ginger1 tablespoon
  1. Instructions Start the preparation by cutting the girl's finger peppers in half and removing the seeds, chop into small cubes and set aside. In a pan add 200 ml of orange juice, 1 cup of sugar, the 2 chopped girl's finger peppers, 1 large grated apple without peel, 1 whole garlic and salt to taste. Mix well until the sugar dissolves, stop mixing and let it cook on low heat for about 25 minutes or until it reaches the point of jelly, remove the garlic clove. Allow to cool and serve with meat and toast. Comments APPLE: I used the green apple because it has more pectin, but you can use whatever you have at home. PEPPER: If you don't find the girl's finger pepper, you can substitute others, but it's good to be careful, because the girl's finger is considered the weakest. ORANGE: In this recipe I used orange juice, but if you want something sweeter I advise you to use Laranja Bahia. CONSERVATION: Once ready, store in a clean glass jar with a lid and keep in the fridge for a maximum of 15 days. GOT TOO SPICY? If after 25 minutes your jam is too spicy, add more orange juice and a little water and sugar to try to soften the hot pepper taste.

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