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Photo of the fried cassava – recipe of fried cassava on DeliRec
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fried cassava


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Tempo de preparo

35 min(s)


8 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Cassava1 kg
  • Oil for frying1 cup
  • Salt1 tablespoon
  1. With a sharp knife, peel the cassava. Cut the cassava into pieces (8 cm) long. Then cut each piece in half, and each half in half again. Run the pieces lightly under running water to remove the soil. Drain and reserve.
  2. In a large pot, place the cassava, salt and cover with water. Place over high heat and wait for it to boil.
  3. Let it cook for 10 minutes, or until the cassava is soft. To check for doneness, prick a few pieces with a fork. If it's soft, it's cooked.
  4. Drain the water from the cassava, with the help of a sieve, and let it cool. In a medium saucepan, add enough oil to cover the cassavas, and heat over high heat.
  5. When the oil is hot, add the cassava pieces and fry until they are slightly golden. Carefully remove the cassava with a slotted spoon and place on a plate with paper towels.
  6. Season with salt and serve next.

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