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Burrata in the oven

Photo of the Burrata in the oven – recipe of Burrata in the oven on DeliRec
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Burrata in the oven


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Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


5 servings

Dayse Paparoto

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Burratas5 unit(s)
  • Fresh pepperoni sausage1 kg
  • Cans of diced peeled tomatoes4 unit(s)
  • Carrot1 unit(s)
  • Celery Tali1 unit(s)
  • Onion1 unit(s)
  • Garlic Cloves3 unit(s)
  • Red wine1/2 cup
  • Water1 cup
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Fennel seeds1 teaspoon
  • Bay leaf1 unit(s)
  • Basil sprig1 unit(s)
  • Salt and Black Pepper to taste
  • Wheat flour300 g
  • Milk150 ml
  • unsalted butter75 g
  • Fresh Organic Yeast10 g
  • Salt5 g
  1. Remove the pepperoni sausage from the fridge and leave it at room temperature while you prepare the other ingredients - it can't be cold when it's golden. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic cloves. Wash, peel and pass the carrot through the fine part of the grater. Wash, discard the leaves and cut the celery stalk into cubes.
  2. With the tip of the knife, cut only the skin of the sausage sections and discard. Transfer the meat to a bowl and, using a spatula, break it up into smaller pieces - if you prefer, discard the larger pieces of fat.
  3. Place a large pan over medium heat. When it heats up, drizzle with 2 tablespoons of oil and brown the sausage meat in stages - if you put everything together, it will steam instead of browning.
  4. Let it brown for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally with the spatula to brown evenly and be able to break the meat into smaller pieces.
  5. Transfer to a bowl and brown the rest of the meat, basting the pan with oil each time. The pan over medium heat, drizzle with 2 more tablespoons of oil and add the onion. Season with a pinch of salt and sauté for 2 minutes until wilted.
  6. Add the carrots and celery and sauté for another 3 minutes, scraping the bottom of the pan well to dissolve the burns.
  7. Add the garlic, fennel seeds, bay leaf and stir for just 1 minute to perfume.
  8. Add the garlic, fennel seeds, bay leaf and stir for just 1 minute to perfume.
  9. Season with salt and pepper to taste - be careful, as the sausage is already salted - and cook over high heat until it boils.
  10. Lower the heat and let it cook for another 1 hour with the lid ajar, until the sauce thickens - in the last 10 minutes of cooking, add the basil to flavor the sauce.
  11. FOR MASS Dissolve the yeast in the water, add the other ingredients, except the grated cheese. Knead the dough for 10 minutes. Add the grated cheese and work some more. Rest the dough for 20 minutes, covered with cling film. Open very thin and put the burrata inside, then close and bake at 250 degrees 6 min

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Receita de Burrata ao Forno - Deliciosa opção para o jantar!

Quem não ama uma boa burrata? E se ela for ao forno, então, é amor à primeira mordida! Essa receita é perfeita para quem quer impressionar os convidados ou simplesmente se deliciar com um prato sofisticado e saboroso.

A burrata é um queijo típico da região de Puglia, na Itália. Ela é feita com leite de vaca e tem uma textura cremosa e suave. Ao ser aquecida no forno, a burrata fica ainda mais cremosa e ganha um sabor irresistível.

Essa receita pode ser servida como entrada ou como prato principal acompanhada de pães frescos ou torradas. É perfeita para ocasiões especiais como jantares românticos ou celebrações em família.

Não perca tempo e experimente essa delícia italiana que vai conquistar o seu paladar!

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