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Béchamel sauce (white sauce)

Photo of the Béchamel sauce (white sauce) – recipe of Béchamel sauce (white sauce) on DeliRec
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Béchamel sauce (white sauce)


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


1 servings

Wilson Nunes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Whole milk1 l
  • White onion1 unit(s)
  • Blonde1 unit(s)
  • Clove of India5 unit(s)
  • unsalted butter50 g
  • Wheat flour50 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Nutmeg to taste
  1. Boil the milk with the piqué onion. This serves to flavor the milk. To make the onion piqué, just put a bay leaf on the onion and skewer it with the cloves. (As per image)
  2. In another pan we will make the “roux”. Melt the butter without heating it too much and add the wheat flour little by little, incorporating it into the butter. Stir to cook (without browning). When you no longer smell raw wheat or smell a little almond, it's ready.
  3. Gradually add the milk (strained and without the piqué onion), stirring continuously without leaving any lumps. Season with salt and nutmeg and cook for ± 30 minutes (stirring constantly to avoid sticking to the bottom) or until the desired consistency is achieved.
  4. TIPS: - When mixing, if the flavored milk is hot, use cold roux or vice versa. - Remember that it is a base sauce for several sauces, so add a little salt and leave to adjust the salt when finishing the dish. - When the sauce is finished, place a plastic film in contact with it to prevent it from creating a hard layer on top.

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Bechamel Sauce Recipe by Chef Wilson Nunes

This recipe on how to make béchamel sauce, despite some technical details, is not very complex to prepare and is delicious, being authored by one of our talented chefs who share their creations on our DeliRec page Wilson Nunes, who is a cook and partner in three restaurants. The recipes he shares on his profile, in addition to being delicious, belong to the dishes on the menus of the restaurants where he practices his cooking and are also recipes that he prepares with great affection for his family. In addition to the béchamel sauce recipe, you can check out their tasty pomodoro risotto with roasted peppers and their wonderful dried meat farofa. Desserts are another specialty of the chef, who will teach you how to make a milk dulce de leche to eat like a prayer and also milk pudding that there is no way to resist, even if you don't like sweets or can't eat them. If you like to cook, it will be a fantastic opportunity to learn new recipes, many of them with an uncomplicated preparation and that will earn praise in the kitchen.

Find out more about the origin of Béchamel Sauce

Bechamel sauce, known by many here in Brazil as the traditional white sauce due to its color, raises some doubts about its true origin. Some reports say that Italian cooks at the court of Catherine de Medici, who married the French King Henry II, introduced this sauce to France, but others say that the French were responsible for its creation.

As for the name béchamel sauce, it was given as a tribute to the marquis Louis de Béchameil, financier and maitre who lived at the court of Louis XIV, the king of France at that time. Another curiosity is that the word bechamel, in French, means a sauce made from wheat flour, butter, milk, cream and flavoring vegetables, which further reinforces the idea that the creation of this sauce came from these people.

Speaking of France, in the country there are 5 sauces called “mother sauces”, as they are the basis for the creation of other sauces and an addition to many recipes, and the white sauce or bechamel sauce is one of them, followed by the velouté sauce, sauce spanish, red sauce and hollandaise sauce.

The white sauce is loved by Brazilians and can be found in countless dishes, such as pasta, lasagna, savory pies, salads, served as an accompaniment to snacks and snacks, bread, cheese and these are just some of its use in the cuisine of our country. .

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