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Onion Cream Soup Pie Dough | Salted Pie Dough Onions

Photo of the Onion Cream Soup Pie Dough | Salted Pie Dough Onions – recipe of Onion Cream Soup Pie Dough | Salted Pie Dough Onions on DeliRec
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Onion Cream Soup Pie Dough | Salted Pie Dough Onions


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Tempo de preparo

90 min(s)


12 servings

Priscila Beneducci

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat flour (minimum quality 5.5% protein + 6% vd, we use pizza flour to make pie dough)500 g
  • Cream Onion Soup (60g or 6 full tablespoons)1 unit(s)
  • Butter with Salt200 g
  • Unflavored Natural Yogurt (2 tablespoons: one of the secrets of the special crunchiness of this pie dough)20 g
  • Whole egg 50 g (1 whole egg in the batter + white to waterproof the inside + the leftover white and yolk to brush on the outside)2 unit(s)
  • Brush brush of waterproofing internally, read instructions below: clear with a micro pinch of salt. to taste
  • Anti-freeze gloss brush stroke: egg white with a micro pinch of salt + egg yolk + olive oil, will not release a post-bake brush stroke film to taste
  1. Super delicious pie dough! Onion cream soup contains high quality corn starch, that starch that thickens fast and strong, that level starch brand Maizena, which mixed with wheat flour, always makes all recipes better. To start understanding the secrets of this recipe, I call it SECRET 1 REVEALED: We are actually making it with purchased seasoned MAIZENA (which is cream onion soup powder).
  2. SECRET 2 REVEALED: To not activate Gluten, work this dough in the processor in seconds or quickly in the planetary mixer with paddle beater. When was gluten activated? It is when we open with the roll the dough gains elasticity and shrinks. Don't mess with her. If you made a mistake, you developed gluten, do step 11.
  3. SECRET 3 REVEALED: The best crunchiness in the pie comes from the "yogurt" in the dough. Yogurt makes pie dough more crispy than sour cream. Put all ingredients inside your appliance. In the processor pulse seconds, until you get a ball of dough in seconds. On the planetary, place the piece on the upper edge that does not allow it to overflow, it will help to contain the flying dust, turn on the minimum speed, increase the speed little by little, until you get a ball of dough, very instantaneous, practical. The purpose of using household appliances is to manipulate the dough as little as possible.
  4. Wrap in bag and refrigerate. At this point 4 days raw dough in the fridge or 90 days raw dough in the freezer.
  5. To make pie, 2/3 use for the bottom, opening 2 plastics with kitchen roll. Use the plastic to transfer to your pie pan. Pierce the entire surface with a fork.
  6. SECRET 4 REVEALED: Pierce with the fork, all the bottom and side. Did you stop here? Not. "WATERPROOF" the bottom of the raw pie, so as not to smear it, with a minimum of the minimum, brushing egg white (put a subtle pinch of salt in this white, just for it to quickly liquefy the consistency). It's more micro soiled than brushed for real, clear, insignificant. Don't overdo it, don't go overboard with the white. Clara appears roasted. The objective is micro film. No matter the size of your pie, the bottom of it will not be raw, if it is waterproofed with clear.
  7. Stuffing to your liking. Controversy: catupiry cheese on top, or Catupiry cheese on the bottom, or mixed? I have these opinions SECRET 5 REVEALED 7.1) If you are going to make empadão with very thin doughs, spread between plastic in a 40 cm electric laminator, to make a little + the dough and sell empadão in aluminized marmitinhas, put 1.o catupiry requeijão per under the filling. Heated in the oven it will not break the thin shell lid. 7.2) If the thickness of the dough is thick, consistent, you can put the catupiry cheese on top. SECRET 6 REVEALED 7.3) It's true, yes, cream cheese mixed in the stuffing, makes the stuffing + fluffy. When I want to buy catupiry requeijão empadão, I want to see it appear. I recommend mixing it in your filling, yes, you can choose a delicious velvety cold bechamel cream, beaten in the mixer and mixed in the salty filling. We 2 cases of catupiry cheese mixed in the filling, tasty velvety cold bechamel cream in the mixer mixed in the filling, I recommend putting a layer of pure catupiry cheese in the assembly (the customer will see the catupiry cheese, its flavor and quality, inside the pie) .
  8. Cover the pie with 1/3 of the dough, open on the roll between plastics. Use the plastic to transfer. Pinch the edges to seal.
  9. Make decorations with the pasta nieces. SECRET 7 REVEALED Glue with antifreeze brush stroke (white with micro pinch of salt + yolk + oil). There will be no film coming off, or peeling off after baking.
  10. SECRET 8 REVEALED: For pie to be crispy baked, it is also necessary to bake with thermal shock. It is buttery dough, this butter will have to go in the oven very cold. Return to freeze in the freezer quickly. Preheat the oven and bake straight out of the freezer into the oven. If you used the antifreeze brush stroke, you don't need to brush + to bake. It smelled like baked cookies, take it out immediately, it's lightly golden, beautiful. This dough gains natural dyeing from the cream soup of onion powder, helps to define the beauty of it roasted + fast.
  11. SECRET 9 REVEALED: Developed gluten what to do? Do not use it to make a pie, roasted it will be a crusty thing without crunchiness, roasted rind that we are absolutely sure you were wrong. Don't throw it away. You can use it as a snack for yourself, without selling. Cut strips, and pieces, bake, taste like micro salted cookies, like those micro salted cookies in a bag (savory cookie).
  12. Perfect pie is the one that the bottom of the buttocks didn't crash and didn't burn. Time your ovens, note the temperature of your oven, use a thermometer inside the oven to be sure of the heat of your oven environment, make all oven adjustments to achieve this goal of perfection.

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