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CHICKEN EMPADÃO DA FER - pasta that melts in your mouth!

Photo of the CHICKEN EMPADÃO DA FER - pasta that melts in your mouth! – recipe of CHICKEN EMPADÃO DA FER - pasta that melts in your mouth! on DeliRec
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CHICKEN EMPADÃO DA FER - pasta that melts in your mouth!


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


8 servings

Fernanda Cristina

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Egg Yolks3 unit(s)
  • Wheat (no yeast)3 cup
  • Butter6 tablespoon
  • Filtered water7 tablespoon
  1. 👉🏼All ingredients are used at room temperature. ⁣ In a container, place the wheat, the yolks and the butter and start kneading (I start the process with my hands right away) the dough will still look like a wet farofa, start adding the water a spoon at a time and always mixing well . The point of the dough is when it detaches from the container and hands, forming a smooth, homogeneous but firm dough. (Reminds a little of modeling clay). Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes to rest. (Don't skip this step, ok?) Divide the dough into two parts. In a refractory, start the assembly using small portions of the dough, spreading it with your fingertips all over the bottom and side. (I didn't grease the shape because I already used butter in the dough). Add all the stuffing. ⁣ Open the rest of the dough With the help of a roll. (Place it between the cling film to make it easier, as the dough is brittle)⁣ cover the entire refractory, brush an egg yolk on top and bake at 180° for 1 hour. ⁣ As stuffing I used 1/2 kg of shredded chicken breast well seasoned and finished with sour cream. (It doesn't get broth, but creamy)

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