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Photo of the Banana pie – recipe of Banana pie on DeliRec
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Banana pie


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


10 servings

Camila santos

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • CARAMEL:CARAMEL: 3 cups of sugar 1/2 cup of water 6 large runny bananas1/2 cup
  • DOUGH: 2 1/2 cups of wheat flour 1 cup of sugar 3 tablespoons of margarine with salt 2 tablespoons of baking powder 1 cup of cold milk 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence1/2 cup
  1. CARAMEL: In a pan, place the sugar and bring to a low heat. Melt all the sugar, without letting it burn. When it all melts, add the water. Watch out for steam. Stir until the syrup becomes liquid and thick again. If lumpy or crystallized, pass through a steel sieve, and use whatever passes through the sieve. In a round shape, with a closed bottom, 30 cm in diameter, pour the caramel. Carefully move the pan to spread the caramel along the edges as well. No need to grease. Cut the bananas into slices and distribute over the caramel. Start from the outer edge until you reach the middle.
  2. DOUGH: In a bowl, place the flour, margarine, yeast and sugar. Mash the margarine with a fork and mix. Add the essence and milk. Mix well, until you get a firm and homogeneous mass. Place on top of caramel and bananas. Adjust the dough into the mold with the help of a spatula. Bake at 190° for approximately 40 minutes, or until golden. The sides of the cake will come off the pan. Unmold warm on a large plate, as the syrup runs. Bake at 190 degrees for approximately 40 minutes or until golden.

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