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Rigatoni with Salmon, Broccoli and Béchamel

Photo of the Rigatoni with Salmon, Broccoli and Béchamel – recipe of Rigatoni with Salmon, Broccoli and Béchamel on DeliRec
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Rigatoni with Salmon, Broccoli and Béchamel


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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


6 servings

Téia Lofrano

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Rigatoni pasta500 g
  • Skinless Salmon, cut into cubes1/2 kg
  • Japanese broccoli2 cup
  • Butter40 g
  • Wheat flour2 tablespoon
  • Cold milk500 ml
  • cream cheese2 tablespoon
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese80 g
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil to taste
  • Seasonings: Salt, Lemon Pepper, Nutmeg, Garlic Flakes to taste
  1. Season the salmon cubes with salt and Lemon Pepper to taste (or salt, lemon and black pepper) and set aside.
  2. Separate the broccoli stalks with a knife and place in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and reserve.
  3. Put your pasta to cook in boiling salted water according to the time indicated on the package.
  4. While the water boils and the pasta cooks, prepare the béchamel sauce: melt the butter and add the wheat flour and stir over low heat until it turns brownish in color. Add the cold milk, increase the heat and when it boils, lower the heat, always stirring with a whisk until it thickens (approximately 8 min). Season with salt and nutmeg to taste. When it starts to thicken, put the cream cheese and half of the grated cheese (the other half reserve to finish).
  5. In a frying pan, add a drizzle of olive oil and brown the salmon cubes quickly until they turn pink. Don't stir too much so it doesn't fall apart. Cut the broccoli in half and add to the salmon. Season with a pinch of salt and garlic flakes. Reserve.
  6. Drain the pasta, place on a platter, add the white sauce, salmon and broccoli, mix all ingredients gently.
  7. Place the other half of the grated cheese on top and bake in a preheated oven at 200 for 10 min. Turn off the fire and leave another 10 to 15 min in the browning function.
  8. Enjoy your food!!!

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