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Ricotta Ravioli with Walnuts

Photo of the Ricotta Ravioli with Walnuts – recipe of Ricotta Ravioli with Walnuts on DeliRec
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Ricotta Ravioli with Walnuts


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Tempo de preparo

90 min(s)


4 servings

Wilson Nunes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat flour500 g
  • Whole eggs5 unit(s)
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Ricotta with salt500 g
  • Nuts (finely chopped)100 g
  • Nutmeg to taste
  • unsalted butter100 g
  • Sage leaves to taste
  • Salt and Black Pepper to taste
  1. Making the dough: Make a volcano with the wheat flour and in the middle add the eggs, 12g of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Beat the eggs lightly and gradually incorporate the flour. Then place this mixture on a marble or wooden countertop and knead this dough until smooth. If the dough is too wet, add flour (always little by little so you don't make mistakes) and if it's too dry, add water. When the dough is smooth, wrap in plastic wrap or place in a bowl and cover with a damp cloth napkin (so it doesn't dry out). Let it rest for 30 minutes. Divide this dough into 4 equal parts and pass the cylinder or roll out until it's very thin.
  2. Make the stuffing: In a bowl or bowl, mash the ricotta through a sieve to separate the liquid. Next, mix in the ricotta (liquid discards), walnuts and nutmeg. Put with a drizzle of olive oil, freshly ground pepper, adjust the salt and, if the ricotta is too acidic, correct the acidity with pinches of sugar.
  3. Assembling the ravioli: Sprinkle some flour on a bench and spread it out. Place the dough that you have rolled out on a floured surface and with a dessert spoon, make mounds of the stuffing with 1 finger apart. Then spray water over the entire surface (or pass it with a brush) and put another dough on top. Press to stick well and then cut with a pastry cutter. Tip: if you don't have a pastry cutter, you can cut it with a knife and close it with a fork, as you do with pastry.
  4. Finishing the dish: Bring 2 liters of water to a boil and cook the ravioli until they rise to the surface. I usually leave it for another 30 seconds after it goes up and take it out. Do it little by little. In a skillet (over medium heat) place the butter and sage leaves. Adjust the salt and then add the ravioli to sauté. Wait just enough to warm them up. Serve these ravioli with some chopped walnuts on top.

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