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PIZZA 🍕 wonderful!!!!!

Photo of the PIZZA 🍕 wonderful!!!!! – recipe of PIZZA 🍕 wonderful!!!!! on DeliRec
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PIZZA 🍕 wonderful!!!!!



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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


7 servings

JĂ©ssica Oliveira

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Flour1 kg
  • Olive oil50 g
  • Dry yeast20 g
  • Sugar30 g
  • Water550 g
  • Cornmeal00 to taste
  1. It's simple! Mix all the ingredients and blend with the water.
  2. After smooth, let it rest for 10 minutes sprinkled with cornmeal.
  3. Debt the dough into 7 balls and let it rest for another 10 min.
  4. Open and use the stuffing of your choice.
  5. In step 1, you're going to use water until you get a point, right? The point is to make the dough very fluffy! It will stick to your hands a little. Don't be shy about it.
  6. In step 4 you will feel a little difficult to open the dough with the rolling pin as it will stick to your hand. Do the following, take cornmeal, throw it on the bench and place the ball on top, open it calmly with your own hands.
  7. Take the pizza pan and spread some margarine (it's not much, don't overdo it) place the dough on the greased pan and open it with your hands, you'll see how easy it is. Let it rise for another 5 minutes, pierce it with a fork and pass the tomato paste and pre-bake in the oven at 180° for about 5 minutes. Assemble the pizza and return to the oven.
  8. NOTE: THIS DOUGH CAN BE FROZEN AFTER GOING THROUGH THE PRE-BAKING PROCESS. LET IT COOL AND PACK WELL IN A PLASTIC BAG OR FILM. OBS: I don't use oil to grease as it makes the dough shrink in shape 😒 I use cornmeal to prevent the dough from drying out.
  9. If you want to make it with this dough, bratty pizza, embedded pizza, etc....

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