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Miner Trooper Beans

Photo of the Miner Trooper Beans – recipe of Miner Trooper Beans on DeliRec
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Miner Trooper Beans


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


10 servings

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  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 1 kg of red beans 1 packet of corn flour 500 g of smoked sausage, from the thin 500 g of regular pork sausage 150 g of bacon 3 cups of raw cassava flour, not from the toast 1 large head of crushed garlic with 1 tablespoon of salt 150 g of minced ham steak in the form of bait (strips) 1 dozen eggs if you are a redneck better 2 medium heads of red onion 1 small chili pepper 10 leaves of cabbage butter Chives and parsley to tastePepper Colorau 1/2 cup virgin olive oil 1/2 cup cholesterol-free soybean oil 1/2 liter more or less cooked bean broth to taste
  1. Clean and place the beans in 1.5 liters of hot water and soak for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the sausages, trying to crumble as much as possible, that is, place them on a meat board and start by splitting them in half. Then chopping the bacon upside down horizontally, like the steak, in the form of baits. Then place the strips side by side and chop horizontally. Chop the onions and then the pre-fried pork rinds very small. Finely chop the cabbage horizontally, then vertically, and set aside with the onions. Cook 1/2 dozen eggs and set aside in cold water to make peeling easier. Cook the beans for about 40 minutes, drain and reserve the broth. Place all the meats with the 1/2 cup of oil and fry until browned. Drain the excess fat and add the oil and garlic with the onion, crushed chilli pepper, a pinch of black pepper and paprika. Let it fry until the onion sauté, put the beans and stir. Add more oil if needed until the beans are very loose. Then put the cabbage and parsley and chives. Mix well, add the cornmeal first. Stir and add the bean broth, then add the manioc flour. Then the chopped boiled eggs, fry the pork rinds in very hot oil until they pop, and put it last, try it. If you need to add another 1/2 tablespoon of salt, if you prefer the tropeiro wetter. Add more bean broth, serve with a free-range fried egg with the soft yolk, if you prefer, it can be served with rice a little stale when you sauté it like Japanese rice.

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