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Jacarei Caipira Cake

Photo of the Jacarei Caipira Cake – recipe of Jacarei Caipira Cake on DeliRec
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Jacarei Caipira Cake


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


99 servings

Marcus Vinícius

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Yellow or white corn flour (to taste) - the traditional jacareí dumpling is made with white flour.1 kg
  • 1 and 1/2 liters of water1/1/2 l
  • Beef bouillon cube2 g
  • Oil4 tablespoon
  • Green Smell to taste
  • 1/2 Tuscan sausage500 g
  1. In a bowl add the flours, mix them and break up all the lumps.
  2. Add the oil and set aside.
  3. Boil the water with the beef stock cube.
  4. Pour over the flour gradually and mix well, stirring constantly until the dough is homogeneous.
  5. Separate a small portion of the dough, and flatten it in the palm of your hand.
  6. Place some of the stuffing inside (the sausage without the cape) and close with the dough itself, giving the shape of a long cupcake.
  7. Once all the dumplings are done, fry them in hot oil.
  8. Tip 1: don't keep stirring so you don't burst the cupcakes, just turn around when you notice that the cupcake has a dry cone.
  9. Drain them on paper towels.
  10. Tip 2: I suggest drinking it while still warm.

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