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Gnocchi Potato

Photo of the Gnocchi Potato – recipe of Gnocchi Potato on DeliRec
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Gnocchi Potato


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


6 servings

Gilmar Sousa

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Boiled Asterix Potato1 kg
  • Wheat flour120 g
  • Butter in point of ointment2 tablespoon
  • Parmesan cheese or other cheese of your choice50 g
  • Salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste
  • Bolognese sauce1 kg
  • Large egg (if small, use two)1 unit(s)
  1. Mash the boiled potatoes and leave in a puree texture.
  2. Add the butter, salt, pepper, nutmeg. Mix everything until smooth. Make sure there are no lumps.
  3. Place the dough on a bench, mold the dough into a circle with a hole in the middle. Let cool.
  4. After the dough is cold, break the egg in the center of the circle, and sift half of the flour over the dough. With the help of a fork, start mixing from the inside out. Add the rest of the flour, sifting over the top.
  5. After obtaining a homogeneous and smooth mixture, make strands with +/- 2 cm in diameter and cut to 3 cm in length (attached photo).
  6. In a deep pan, boil water and salt (like sea water) pour the gnocchi and wait for them to rise, remove them with the help of a skimmer. (Photo attached)
  7. In a pan put a layer of the sauce and another of the gnocchi, follow this process until complete, and finish with the Parmesan cheese. Place in a preheated oven at 200°C to brown the cheese. (Photo attached)
  8. Tip: If you prefer a golden cone, fry the gnocchi in olive oil before taking the shape.
  9. This dish pairs perfectly with a young Cabernet Sauvignon wine.

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