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Garlic and oil noodles

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Garlic and oil noodles


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Tempo de preparo

15 min(s)


2 servings

Patrícia Coutinho

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 250g of pasta (half a packet)1 unit(s)
  • Water2 l
  • Olive oil100 ml
  • Garlic5 unit(s)
  • Sausage1 tablespoon
  • Hot water160 ml
  1. 1- Before you start, slice all the garlic or chop. Reserve. 2- In a large pan, put the water and leave it on high heat; 3-When it starts to boil, put the noodles at once; 4- TIP: put it as if it were a stick handle (game), the secret is not to move too much. 5- As the pasta is softening, stir so that it is all inside the pan 6-Let it cook until the pasta is al dente (about 4 to 8 minutes); 7- TIP: the exact cooking time of each type of pasta will be described on the packaging. 8- Turn off the heat and transfer the pasta to a sieve and drain the hot water; 9- TIP: do not pass through cold water, unlike pasta in sauce, in this recipe we need the pasta to keep the starch. 10- While the pasta runs, put the oil in a frying pan and add the garlic, with the oil still cold; 11- TIP: this will make the olive oil or oil absorb the garlic flavor. Place over medium heat and stir until golden; 12- TIP: don't let it burn. Turn off the heat and wait for the oil to cool down a bit; 13- Take two ladles of hot water and transfer to the oil with the garlic, which must be warm; 14- Take it back to the low fire and when it starts to boil, add the salt; 15- Then add the drained pasta, parsley and mix well for 1 minute; 16- Serve immediately. OBS: this garlic and oil pasta recipe serves 2 people, if you want to serve just 1, make half the recipe, if you want to serve more, just double the recipe.

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