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Fettuccine with Peanut Pesto and Arugula and Basil Mint Leaves

Photo of the Fettuccine with Peanut Pesto and Arugula and Basil Mint Leaves – recipe of Fettuccine with Peanut Pesto and Arugula and Basil Mint Leaves on DeliRec
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Fettuccine with Peanut Pesto and Arugula and Basil Mint Leaves


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Tempo de preparo

20 min(s)


2 servings


  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Fettuccine paste. Remembering that for each person a portion of 100 grams200 to taste
  • For the tomato sauce. a spoon of onion1 to taste
  • Four large garlic cloves4 to taste
  • A slice of bacon 🥓1 to taste
  • For peanut pesto with fresh leaves. 🥜30 mg
  • Two mint leaves, 10 basil leaves and four arugula leaves16 g
  • One clove of garlic1 to taste
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil4 teaspoon
  • Two hundred grams of grated Parmesan.200 g
  1. Let the water boil and then add the fresh pasta. In the meantime prepare some sauce.
  2. In the preparation of the sauce you will put 4 cloves of garlic to boil along with the pasta and after 4 minutes remove the garlic cloves and place in a large skillet or in a pan of your choice. Put a slice of bacon Let it brown and add onion, when the onion starts to sweat, you add the tomato sauce.
  3. When the pasta rises I left it for about 8 minutes, remove the pasta and let it boil for about 2 minutes with the sauce and then you can turn it off. Now let's go to the pesto 🥙
  4. For the peanut pesto with fresh leaves. Add all the ingredients into a pestle and mix well to make a very dense paste.
  5. Once all the ingredients are ready, add some edible flowers and 4 cherry tomatoes to garnish and enjoy 😘👌

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