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Eggless Potato Gnocchi

Photo of the Eggless Potato Gnocchi – recipe of Eggless Potato Gnocchi on DeliRec
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Eggless Potato Gnocchi


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


5 servings

Arícia Ridan

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Medium Asterix Potatoes8 unit(s)
  • Wheat flour1 cup
  • Salt1 coffee spoon
  • Olive oil1 to taste
  1. Cook the whole potatoes in their skins in a large pot with plenty of water.
  2. Go testing the point of the potato with a knife, when the knife passes softly on the potato it can turn off
  3. Peel the potatoes using running water and a knife, being careful not to burn yourself.
  4. Mash the potatoes well with a fork or with a masher if you have
  5. If the potatoes are too dry, add the cooking water little by little.
  6. Knead well even so you don't have balls!
  7. Let cool for 10 minutes
  8. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water and salt to a boil.
  9. Add the wheat flour, salt and oil to the mashed potato
  10. The dough must be consistent enough to make the rolls and not sticky so make it calmly, don't knead and don't add too much flour because it's overcooked.
  11. Sprinkle wheat flour on a clean countertop, make the rolls and cut them to shape the size of the gnocchi
  12. Slowly cook in boiling water until the balls rise, drain and have the refractory with the sauce that will be served nearby.
  13. Serve immediately with sauce and herbs of choice :)

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