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Crazy meat pie

Photo of the Crazy meat pie – recipe of Crazy meat pie on DeliRec
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Crazy meat pie


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Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


20 servings

Wilson Nunes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Beef Palette500 g
  • White onion (medium)01 unit(s)
  • Garlic Cloves03 unit(s)
  • Green pepper01 unit(s)
  • Thyme (branches)02 unit(s)
  • Italian tomato03 unit(s)
  • Bay leaves02 unit(s)
  • Olive oil02 tablespoon
  • Parsley and chives to taste
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • Pastry dough (roll)1 unit(s)
  • Red and Yellow Peppers to taste
  • Soybean oil (to fry the pastel)1 l
  1. Cut the meat into cubes and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Reserve. Put the olive oil in a pressure cooker and let it get very hot. Now place the meat to brown all sides. Let it create a crust (without moving the meat). Add the tomato, finely chopped onion, sliced garlic and pepper. Saute for 3 minutes. Now add the thyme and bay leaves and add 2 cups of water. (If you have homemade beef broth, it's even better). Cover the pan and after it sizzles, leave it under pressure for 40 minutes. After this time, remove the meat, shred and return to the pan with the broth and leave it on low heat until it thickens. Adjust seasoning with black pepper to taste and salt. Finish with the green seasonings. Finally, turn off the pan (when it has thickened) add some red and yellow peppers, chopped very small and mix well. Now just fill the pastry dough with shredded meat, close and fry in oil at 180 degrees until golden. Tip: Make pastels in small formats. In addition to being better presented, it will also be more filling.

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Recipe for Pastel de Carne Louca by Chef Wilson Nunes

This recipe on how to make a shredded meat pastry or a crazy meat pastry is not very complex to prepare and is delicious, being authored by one of our talented chefs who share their creations on our DeliRec page: Wilson Nunes, who is a cook and partner in three restaurants. The recipes that he shares on his profile, in addition to being delicious, belong to the dishes on the menus of the restaurants where he practices his cooking and are also recipes that he prepares with great affection for his family. In addition to the meatloaf, you can try their tasty peas risotto with Sicilian lemon and a delicious polpetone stuffed with cheese and linguini praying. Desserts are another specialty of the chef, who will teach you how to make sweet tapioca cubes and pears in white wine with cream ice cream that Can't resist they are so wonderful! If you like to cook, it will be a fantastic opportunity to learn new recipes, many of them with an uncomplicated preparation and that will earn praise in the kitchen.

Discover more about the origin of pastel

Have you ever wondered where pastel comes from? Did you know that this savory dish loved by Brazilians began its history in Asia? It is not known for sure which of the two versions told is the true one, but regardless of that, it was in the largest continent in the world that pastel began its journey.

One account tells of an adaptation of the spring roll made by Chinese immigrants. It already looked like a pastry because of its fried dough and the best-known fillings were added to it, such as meat. On the other hand, he talks about the meat pastel being better known because of Japanese immigrants during the Second World War.

Here in Brazil, the second story is the one that most relates to the arrival of pastel in our country and after that it was never forgotten! Whether stuffed with meat, chicken, cheese, pizza, heart of palm, chicken with catupiry and so many others that we see around, the pastel is adored, making itself present in celebrations, food fairs, shopping malls, bakeries and at home. Another curiosity is that it has received several nominations over the years, such as crazy meat pie.

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