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Natural yogurt

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Natural yogurt


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Tempo de preparo

1 day(s)


1 servings


  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Cup of natural full-fat yogurt with two ingredients1 unit(s)
  • Whole milk1 l
  1. In a pan heat the milk. Don't let it boil! Turn off the heat and let it cool for a few minutes! Put your finger in the milk if you can stay pleasantly for up to 10 seconds! It's in the right spot! Attention: If the milk is hot it will stop the fermentation process! That's why it's important to respect the temperature!
  2. In a bowl, place a ladle of this warm milk and mix the glass of natural yogurt until it involves completely. Add the mixture to the rest of the milk and mix well! Gently!
  3. Cover the pan, wrap in a towel to keep warm. Put it somewhere well closed (cupboard for example) and keep for 12 hours.
  4. After that time, open the pan and your yogurt will be ready! Transfer to a glass jar and place in the fridge. Consume up to 5 days! Reserve a cup of homemade yogurt to repeat the process!
  5. Suggestion for consumption! Vitamins, mix in granola, make cake, Oats, consume with fruits!

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