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Bean tutu (a la Vanessa) the category is not the most appropriate, but I couldn't find where else to classify! 😉

Photo of the Bean tutu (a la Vanessa) the category is not the most appropriate, but I couldn't find where else to classify! 😉 – recipe of Bean tutu (a la Vanessa) the category is not the most appropriate, but I couldn't find where else to classify! 😉 on DeliRec
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Bean tutu (a la Vanessa) the category is not the most appropriate, but I couldn't find where else to classify! 😉



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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


3 servings

Vanessa Gardziulis

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Baked beans (best from the day before) 1 pot200 g
  • Chopped Bacon to taste
  • Garlic and Onion to taste
  • Fried egg1 unit(s)
  • Fried banana in panco flour (depends on the number of people)7 unit(s)
  • Cassava flour4 tablespoon
  • Chopped Kale Butter400 g
  1. Fry the minced garlic until golden. Reserve. In the fat that was left in the skillet, put the garlic and bacon and let it fry until golden.
  2. After the garlic and onion are golden, add the cooked beans and let it fry a little. Then add the flour and bacon, let it fry more.
  3. Apart from that, make the buttered cabbage, sautéed in garlic and butter. Fried egg, there goes the preference of each one, I prefer with the soft yolk. And fry the bananas with panco.
  4. Assemble the bean tutu, egg, cabbage and fried banana on the plate. Hmmmm!

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