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Volcano nino and chocolate cake

Photo of the Volcano nino and chocolate cake – recipe of Volcano nino and chocolate cake on DeliRec
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Volcano nino and chocolate cake


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


6 servings

Clarisse Noronha

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Ready-made cake dough1 unit(s)
  • Sour cream3 unit(s)
  • Condensed milk1 unit(s)
  • Chocolate bar4 unit(s)
  • Margarine2 tablespoon
  • Milk1 cup
  • M&M1 to taste
  1. Prepare and bake a medium-sized cake of your choice (white or chocolate dough, it can even be one of those package cakes). Once cool, unmold and set aside.
  2. To make the Laka cream, place 2 boxes of cream, 1 tablespoon of butter and 3 bars of chopped Laka in the fire. Let it cook until it starts to thicken, turn off and set aside.
  3. Then prepare the black diamond cream: also heat 2 boxes of cream, 1 tablespoon of butter and 3 bars of black diamond chocolate and keep stirring until it thickens. Turn off and book.
  4. In a glass with milk, put some condensed milk and mix. Pierce the cake with a fork and soak the cake with milk, the amount is up to you
  5. Take the two creams and pour at the same time into the hole of the cake, one on each side, until it overflows and pours. Abuse the creams to make this cake very delicious!
  6. Then, decorate the cake of your choice!

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