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Truffle Stuffed with Beijinho and Green Grape

Photo of the Truffle Stuffed with Beijinho and Green Grape – recipe of Truffle Stuffed with Beijinho and Green Grape on DeliRec
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Truffle Stuffed with Beijinho and Green Grape


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Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


28 servings

Day Ramos

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Fractionated Milk Chocolate Bar1 unit(s)
  • Condensed Milk1 unit(s)
  • Small shredded coconut1 unit(s)
  • Margarine1 teaspoon
  • Grape to taste
  1. On a plate, melt chocolate in the microwave at 30m intervals so it doesn't burn, or in a container, melt it in a bain-marie. After that we are going to mold it in the molds as to the size, there is also a criterion, I made 3/4 layers because I prefer to leave it thick because I would still put the beijinho and grape filling, so it's better to be very hard, you know, so it doesn't break so easily. . Then after molded leave it in the freezer, meanwhile make the kiss filling.
  2. In a pan, mix condensed obleite, margarine and grated coconut until dissolved, then take it to medium heat and stir until it comes away from the pan, put it on a plate, let it cool and book it for later, then with the molds already ready, still in the forminha, filling with the kiss already cold and put the grapes and close the truffles with the chocolate and take it to the freezer to finish for a few minutes.
  3. After that, decorate as you like and wish and enjoy it a lot because it's too good and very tasty.

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