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traditional italian straw

Photo of the traditional italian straw – recipe of traditional italian straw on DeliRec
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traditional italian straw


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


15 servings

Tallyne Barcelos

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • cornstarch biscuit (traditional)600 g
  • Condensed milk2 can(s)
  • Chocolate powder3 tablespoon
  • Butter or margarine2 tablespoon
  • Refined sugar0 to taste
  1. Take the three packages of cornstarch cookies and cut each cookie into 3 pieces, but if you want you can cut bigger or smaller.
  2. Reserve the cookies.
  3. Make the traditional brigadeiro, your way.
  4. For people who don't know how to make brigadeiro, I'll teach my way of making it. Take the 2 boxes of condensed milk, the chocolate powder and the margarine or butter, bring to a medium heat, mixing all the time.
  5. If you have a non-stick pan, it's better, so the brigadeiro doesn't stick to the pan.
  6. Stir until the point where you scrape the bottom of the pan and see the bottom, or when it comes off the sides.
  7. When the brigadeiro is ready, take the chopped cornstarch cookies and pour it into the pan little by little, stirring until all the cookies are gone and the brigadeiro dough is very consistent with the texture of the cookies.
  8. Then take a rectangular mold and grease it with butter or margarine, don't put too much, otherwise it gets too greasy, put a little, just so it doesn't stick.
  9. Soon after, pour the brigadeiro dough with cookie in the shape and arrange so that the dough fills the entire shape, let it harden.
  10. When the dough is more or less hard, cut the Italian straw, I cut it in size 7x7, it's a good size to sell, in my case.
  11. Take the refined sugar, pour it into a bowl and pass the Italian straw, one by one
  12. Then, if you want, you can put it in individual bags and tie it with ribbon, otherwise, if it's for consumption at home, just put it in a bowl and reserve at room temperature.
  13. It's a good option to sell, or make at birthday parties.

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