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Photo of the Sweet Bean – recipe of Sweet Bean on DeliRec
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Sweet Bean


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

0130 min(s)


1 servings

Jhonata Teixeira

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Aziki Beans200 g
  • Sugar100 g
  1. Soak the beans for 4 hours
  2. Drain it and cook it in a prection pan with the cooking water
  3. In a blender, grind the beans still hot with the cooking water
  4. Pass the mixture through a paper strainer, and let any liquid drain.
  5. Squeeze the strainer to remove any excess water.
  6. Place the bean paste and sugar in a pan.
  7. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until you get a creamy paste.
  8. Use it after it cools down
  9. Additional Information: Candy can be stored for up to five days in the refrigerator

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