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Student cupcake with chocolate syrup and tangerine

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Student cupcake with chocolate syrup and tangerine


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Tempo de preparo

90 min(s)


4 servings

Bruno Gandelman

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Granulated tapioca flour200 ml
  • Coconut Milk200 ml
  • Milk150 ml
  • Sugar50 ml
  • Pinch of salt1 unit(s)
  • Dark chocolate90 g
  • Gossip Juice1 unit(s)
  • Tangerine Zest1/4 unit(s)
  • Butter12 g
  1. For the dumpling dough: In a pan, heat the coconut milk along with the milk, sugar and salt until just before boiling.
  2. Pour the heated mixture into a container where the granulated tapioca flour will be and mix well until there are no lumps left and everything is homogeneous. Let it rest for at least an hour to hydrate.
  3. For the syrup: With a grater remove a quarter of the tangerine zest in a pan. Squeeze the fruit juice through a strainer so there are no seeds in the syrup in the same pan. Heat the juice, turn it off and add the chopped chocolate. Stir until completely melted and then add the butter. Continue stirring until completely melted. If you need to, turn on the fire very low to finish melting everything but be careful not to burn the chocolate. If necessary, do it in a bain-marie.
  4. Now shape the dumplings by kneading with your hands in the shape of croquettes or in the shape and size you want. Bake over low heat, turning the cake to brown evenly. Serve hot with the chocolate syrup or it can also be dulce de leche, pastry cream or simply passed in a mixture of sugar and cinnamon, which is the most traditional. The original student dumplings are deep-fried in oil by immersion, it's up to the maker. It can also be made on the grill, air fryer or in a frying pan with a little oil. The important thing is to be golden crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It goes well for breakfast, afternoon snack and also for dessert.

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Student cupcake with chocolate syrup and tangerine

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