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Strawberry Dessert

Photo of the Strawberry Dessert – recipe of Strawberry Dessert on DeliRec
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Strawberry Dessert


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


4 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • sour cream2 can(s)
  • condensed milk1 can(s)
  • powdered milk1 cup
  • strawberry tray1.1/2 unit(s)
  • semisweet chocolate90 g
  1. Put the condensed milk, one and a half boxes of cream and the powdered milk in a pan, mix well, take it to the low fire and keep stirring non-stop until it thickens, do not leave it at the point of brigadeiro, after boiling it is approximately 3 minutes. In the fire.
  2. Put it in a bowl and put a plastic on top, put the plastic in contact with the cream, this helps not to create a hard cover on top. Let cool.
  3. After the cream is cold, cut the strawberries in half and cover the bottom of a refractory with these strawberries, place the cut part to the underside, as it is not interesting that this part is in contact with the cream that will be placed on top.
  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave, if you choose the microwave, put it 30 seconds, wick, put another 30 seconds and repeat this process until the chocolate melts (don't put it too long at a time, because it can burn the chocolate).
  5. When the chocolate is well melted, add half a box of cream and mix well, it will form a ganache.
  6. Put the white cream on top of the strawberries, remember that this cream must be cold so as not to cook the strawberries.
  7. Place the ganache on top of the white cream.
  8. Decorate with whole strawberries, because if it breaks it will release water in the ganache and it won't be as good.
  9. Place in the fridge until chilled and ready to serve.

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