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Solid Chocolate Easter Bunny 🐇

Photo of the Solid Chocolate Easter Bunny 🐇 – recipe of Solid Chocolate Easter Bunny 🐇 on DeliRec
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Solid Chocolate Easter Bunny 🐇

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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


6 servings

Livia Fernandes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Chopped semisweet chocolate or milk chocolate300 g
  • Chocolate Easter Bunny Molds (3 bunnies each mold)2 unit(s)
  1. Melt the chocolate in the microwave every 30 seconds until completely melted.
  2. Stir the chocolate with a silicone spatula until it reaches room temperature (do the wrist test and make sure it's warm to cold)
  3. With a spoon, place the chocolate in the Easter bunny molds to fill the entire shape, remove the excess chocolate with a spatula.
  4. Tap the back of the molds on the table to remove the air bubbles from the chocolate and take it to the fridge for about 40 minutes
  5. When the bottom of the molds is opaque, you can unmold your bunnies, carefully unmold them on parchment paper or a plate and that's it 😋
  6. Tip: pack your bunnies in decorative Easter paper and give them a special gift this Easter 🐇

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