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Red Fruit Panna Cotta

Photo of the Red Fruit Panna Cotta – recipe of Red Fruit Panna Cotta on DeliRec
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Red Fruit Panna Cotta


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Tempo de preparo

4 hour(s)


4 servings

Renato Nagase

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Fresh cream300 ml
  • refined sugar60 g
  • Vanilla Bean1 unit(s)
  • Berries (strawberry/blackberry) to taste
  • Whole milk200 ml
  • Colorless gelatin sheet4 unit(s)
  1. Hydrate the gelatin sheets, fold in half and place in ice water for around 2 minutes.
  2. On a low heat, add the milk, fresh cream and sugar. Open the vanilla bean with a knife, and put the seeds and skin along with the mixture. You can put it together, because we will sift this liquid.
  3. Stir slowly, without haste. Don't leave it too long in the fire, to know if the point is good, put your finger (if you're going to make it for yourself, right 😅), leave it 5 seconds, it's warmed up, that's the point. The liquid cannot boil.
  4. Take the gelatin that is in the ice water, and remove the excess water.
  5. After reaching the liquid point, remove the pan from the heat, and place the gelatine leaves that you removed the excess water, and mix together with the liquid. Stir until dissolved very well, about 1 min stirring. You cannot boil the liquid mixture, as it loses the firming effect that the gelatin will have on the dessert.
  6. Sift this mixture into the panna cotta and let it cool to room temperature.
  7. Let's go to the syrup. Take 1 tray of strawberries and one of cranberries, cut them in half, everything doesn't have to be beautiful, it will turn into a syrup.
  8. Place in a bain-marie with a spoonful of sugar. This bain-marie has to leave the pan closed, because with the steam the sugar will melt together with the fruits and then we will have the syrup. About 30 minutes or so.
  9. After 30 minutes, sieve the syrup and let it cool. You can put it in the fridge.
  10. Returning to the panna cotta mixture. Put it in small molds. It can't be big, otherwise it won't sign. Place in the fridge for about 3 hours or until firm with a plastic film on top.
  11. Then just unmold, put the syrup on top along with the fruits you made the syrup, of course you can use it, and be happy! Hope you like it. Do it, you won't regret it. Enjoy your food!

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