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rainbow cupcake

Photo of the rainbow cupcake – recipe of rainbow cupcake on DeliRec
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rainbow cupcake


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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


20 servings

Cíntia Costa

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Flour2.5 cup
  • Sugar2.5 cup
  • Butter2/3 cup
  • Milk1.5 cup
  • Baking powder2 tablespoon
  • Vanilla essence1 teaspoon
  1. On a cupcake pan, line each space with an ovenproof paper liner.
  2. Preheat the oven to 160°C (medium).
  3. In the mixer, place the butter and sugar to beat until you form a homogeneous and fluffy mass.
  4. Add the eggs one at a time, hoping to incorporate well before adding the next one.
  5. Add the rest of the ingredients alternating dry and liquid. This means: put 1 part of the self-raising flour, beat until incorporated, and add 1 part of the milk with the vanilla essence. Repeat until finished, starting and ending with the dry ones.
  6. Separate the dough into equal parts, placing it in a separate container for each color (and use a coffee spoon for each one, so as not to mix the colors). To make it like the one in the photo, there are 6 containers (for the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple).
  7. Start coloring your pasta. Colorings are very concentrated, so start with a drop, mix gently with a spoon (so you don't lose the aerated effect achieved in the mixer) until you get homogeneous. Add little by little until you reach the desired color.
  8. When all the parts of the dough are colored, it's time to put it in the molds.
  9. Fill each mold with a teaspoon of batter of each color, without mixing. Fill up to 2/3 of each tin, no more (so it doesn't rise too much and overflow in the oven).
  10. Put it in the oven and let it cook for between 15 and 20 minutes. Do the toothpick test to make sure it's done.
  11. Allow to cool and cover with desired topping. In the photo, I used whipped cream from a box.

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