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Pudding deceives Visit

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Pudding deceives Visit


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


15 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 3 eggs 500ml milk 8 spoons of sugar and 12 cornstarch biscuits4 unit(s)
  1. Grind the cornstarch biscuit in your hands then place the three eggs in the blender one and a half cups of sugar hit the blender for 5 minutes
  2. In a pan put 3 spoons of sugar and take it to the low fire and when the sugar melts put half a cup of water and stir well until it gets homogeneous and a little thick.
  3. Pass the caramel to a pudding mold and place the dough you hit in the blender cover the mold with aluminum foil and in a larger mold put warm water and place the pudding mold inside the bain-marie and take it to the preheated fire at 180 °
  4. Leave it in the oven for 1 hour and take it to the fridge to cool for 3 to 3 hours, only then unmold it, if it gets caramel at the bottom, just put it in the fire and you can throw it on top of your pudding.

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