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Pudding 4 milks

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Pudding 4 milks

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Tempo de preparo

90 min(s)


12 servings

Tatiane Sakai

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • condensed milk395 g
  • Sour cream200 g
  • Powdered milk1 cup
  • Whole milk395 g
  • Whole eggs4 unit(s)
  • Sugar2 cup
  • Water1 cup
  1. First of all: Preheat the oven to 180º and boil a jug of water for the bain-marie.
  2. Make the pudding syrup by putting the sugar and water in a pan and mix until incorporated. Place over medium heat without stirring or stirring until it begins to take on an amber color. From time to time lift the pan to stir without the spoon, just by moving the pan. Once it reaches the desired caramel color, pour it into a mold with a hole.
  3. For the pudding, place all the other ingredients in a bowl and mix with a fouet, blender or mixer. Just to incorporate everything. Before transferring to the mold, pass through a sieve so that the egg skins do not pass into the pudding.
  4. Cover the pudding mold with aluminum foil, the shiny part inside.
  5. Place the pudding mold inside a rectangular baking dish for the bain-marie and place it in the oven. After the shapes accommodated, put the boiling water up to half the roast. I baked it over low heat at around 160 to 180º for a pudding without holes for about 1h and 30m or until you stick a toothpick and it is slightly firm.
  6. Once ready, carefully remove from the water bath and let it cool until it can go to the fridge. Freeze for at least 8 hours, ideally overnight. Unmold by passing a knife around the pudding and place the mold on the stove for a few minutes just to melt the caramel sauce a little.
  7. Tip for supper: Add whipped cream and cherries when serving!

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