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Peanut and chocolate pavé

Photo of the Peanut and chocolate pavé – recipe of Peanut and chocolate pavé on DeliRec
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Peanut and chocolate pavé


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

2 hour(s)


8 servings

Luísa Colombi

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Tofu (Peanut Cream)300 g
  • Sugar-free peanut butter (peanut cream)1.1/4 cup
  • Water or vegetable drink (peanut cream)1/2 cup
  • Pinch of salt (peanut cream) to taste
  • Vegan gluten free cookie100 g
  • 70% vegan cocoa chocolate (chocolate cream)200 g
  • Vegetable drink (chocolate cream)3/4 cup
  • Cocoa nibs and roasted peanuts for garnish to taste
  1. In a food processor, combine all the peanut butter ingredients and process until a homogeneous and smooth mixture is formed. The consistency is firmer but flexible. Pour half of the cream into a medium container, covering the entire base. Reserve the other half.
  2. Heat the vegetable milk in a small pan or in the microwave on low power and when it is hot, but not boiling, add the chocolate and mix until everything is incorporated.
  3. Pour half of this chocolate syrup over the peanut cream that is in the container, so that it covers the entire surface.
  4. Take the cookies and place them on the chocolate layer, which was already in the container, covering it all.
  5. Repeat the whole process, placing the peanut cream on top of the cookies, then the chocolate syrup and finish covering everything with the peanuts and cocoa nibs.
  6. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour and serve chilled.

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