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Nutri Banana Cake

Photo of the Nutri Banana Cake – recipe of Nutri Banana Cake on DeliRec
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Nutri Banana Cake

Douradíssimo e fofinho, um bolo que agrada a todas as idades. Feito sem lactose, açúcar e trigo! Só o doce natural dos ingredientes. Read more


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


16 servings

Mariana Melo

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 4 medium SUPER ripe bananas340 g
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil100 ml
  • Eggs4 unit(s)
  • 1 cup dark raisins140 g
  • 1 cup rolled oats80 g
  • 1 cup fine rolled oats100 g
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon Powder2 g
  • 2 tablespoons baking powder24 g
  • Chocolate Chips (optional)32 unit(s)
  1. First of all, turn on the oven. It must be heated to 180°C (medium oven) to bake the cake. Preparation is quick, so you can call ahead to make the most of your time in the kitchen.
  2. In the blender, beat the bananas, olive oil and eggs until you form a homogeneous cream. Then add the raisins and let it hit well. If you like to feel the raisins in the cake batter, don't knead for too long, as this will leave clumps in the batter. Book that cream.
  3. In a bowl, just put the rolled oats and cinnamon, and mix with all the cream in the blender. You can use a fuê or a large silicone spoon.
  4. Add the oats in fine flakes, and mix well. The more homogeneous the mass, the more hydrated the oats are. This will make the cake fluffy. Finish by adding the baking soda, and mixing it in the dough delicately.
  5. Grease the mold with olive oil and line the entire bottom with slices of banana. Once unmolded, the "drawing" will remain on top of the cake. This is interesting to do in a square or rectangular shape. But if not, it's optional. The mass fits in a medium hole shape in the middle, 23 cm in diameter.
  6. If you prefer to make it in cupcakes, it's even more practical, as you don't need to grease or unmould. It is ready for consumption. The cupcakes are ready in 12 minutes. Already the medium cake, bakes 20 to 25 minutes. Stick with the toothpick to see if it's already baked, and it's ready.
  7. In cupcakes, you put chocolate drops in the middle of the dough, to make the filling. Yields approximately 16 cupcakes, 45g each.

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