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Nutella ice cream with 3 ingredients

Photo of the Nutella ice cream with 3 ingredients – recipe of Nutella ice cream with 3 ingredients on DeliRec
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Nutella ice cream with 3 ingredients


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Tempo de preparo

15 min(s)


14 servings

Ju Favarato

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 1 1/2 cup chilled whipped cream300 ml
  • Hazelnut cream200 g
  • 1 cup powdered milk90 g
  1. Take 14 popsicle sticks, put a little Nutella on the end of each one, place in a mold lined with parchment paper and take it to the freezer for 30 minutes.
  2. In a bowl, place the chilled whipped cream, the powdered milk and beat until it acquires the consistency of a firm cream.
  3. Add the Nutella and beat again to incorporate.
  4. Place in an English cake pan lined with plastic, sink the sticks into the dough and take it to the freezer for 4 hours or until it's very cold.
  5. Unmold, remove the plastic and with a knife cut to separate the popsicles.
  6. Melt some semisweet chocolate in the microwave and dip the tip of the popsicles. Help yourself.
  7. You can also watch the video.

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