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Milk pudding in the pressure cooker

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Milk pudding in the pressure cooker


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Tempo de preparo

20 min(s)


8 servings

natalia Valente

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • eggs3 unit(s)
  • condensed milk1 l
  • milk can (use can measure)1 l
  • sugar1 cup
  • water1/2 cup
  1. In a common pan, place the sugar and take it to the low fire until it melts. When the sugar starts to turn golden, lower the heat, gradually add the water and stir.
  2. At this point the melted sugar will turn into a firm caramel and as you stir it will melt (it looks like it won't work, but it does). After the clods melt, remove from the heat..
  3. Place the condensed milk, eggs and whole milk in a blender. Then beat for about 1 minute or until the mixture is very homogeneous. Then just pour this mixture into the caramelized form.
  4. Cover the form with aluminum foil, sealing the sides of the form well. Place the pudding mold inside the pressure cooker and add water up to 2 fingers high of the pudding mold.
  5. TIP: You should place no more than halfway through the shape. Always be careful at this time, because the amount of water if you add little, it can dry out before the pudding is ready and end up burning your pudding. If you put in too much water can rise and get into the shape of your pudding.
  6. Then cover the pressure cooker and take it to the fire until you get pressure. After getting pressure, lower the heat and leave for 10 minutes. After this time, turn off the heat and wait for the pressure to release itself.
  7. TIP: Don't rush this process, because the pudding needs to cook completely with the heat that is inside the pan.

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