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Madeleines (and all the little secrets)

Photo of the Madeleines (and all the little secrets) – recipe of Madeleines (and all the little secrets) on DeliRec
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Madeleines (and all the little secrets)


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Tempo de preparo

20 min(s)


16 servings

Renata Salazar

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Eggs2 unit(s)
  • Sugar100 g
  • unsalted butter100 g
  • Lemon (juice + zest)1 unit(s)
  • Wheat flour90 g
  • Honey30 g
  • Baking powder5 g
  1. Melt the butter and set aside. It can be melted butter or noisette butter which is when the burning of the milk solids darkens and the water evaporates from the butter, this leaves a nutty flavor. But the butter at the liquid point is just as delicious as in this recipe.
  2. Remove the zests (zest) from the lemon and set aside.
  3. In a bowl, mix the eggs, lemon juice and sugar. Then add the zests and honey.
  4. Add the flour and mix, finally the melted butter and the baking powder.
  5. The characteristic of the madeleine is to form a tummy, for this the ideal is that the dough rests in the fridge for at least 1 hour. I used to make this recipe at a bakery I worked at, the madeleines were always prettier when the dough was made the day before. The dough can be stored for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.
  6. To flavor you can use other citrus fruits such as orange, Sicilian lemon, tangerine. You can use vanilla, you can put blueberries or raspberry when baking.
  7. To bake, grease the molds and put the dough in spoons or with a pastry bag, the ideal is to place the dough leaving an edge of 1/3 of the cavity so it doesn't spill.
  8. The oven must be heated to 190º/200º. Leave the mold with the madeleines in the fridge for 10 minutes before placing in the oven.
  9. Bake at this temperature for 8 to 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 170º / 160º and bake for another 5 to 6 minutes. It all depends on the oven, as they are small portions. They are getting golden around the edges, check with a toothpick. They are just perfect and fragrant all over the house!

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