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Photo of the Lemon pie – recipe of Lemon pie on DeliRec
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Lemon pie


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Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


12 servings

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  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Dough: Wheat Flour2 cup
  • Unsalted Butter4 tablespoon
  • Sour cream1/2 can(s)
  • Yeast1 teaspoon
  • Filling: Condensed Milk2 can(s)
  • Sour Cream1/5 can(s)
  • Strained lemon juice1 cup
  • Meringue: Sugar1 cup
  • Egg white3 unit(s)
  • Lemon zest1 teaspoon
  1. In a bowl add the flour, butter, yeast and cream.
  2. Mix with your hands until it forms a smooth mass, releasing from your hands (it's a rotten mass) easy to handle
  3. In a form with a removable background, apply on the sides and fill the bottom
  4. Skewer the dough in the shape with a garno, making light flour all over the shape so it doesn't rise
  5. Put it in the oven to bake the dough until it gets a light brown tone (always keep an eye on the dough so it doesn't go over the point and burn)
  6. Once baked, remove from the oven.
  7. FILLING: a lemon mousse Add the condensed milk, the cream and the lemon juice, stir to form a consistent cream.
  8. Put the cream inside the mold next to the dough spreads well, set aside.
  9. MERINGUE: In a pan, add the sugar, the whites and the lemon zest, turn on the fire and stir until it heats up (you can't let it boil) just heat it up well and that's it, take it to the mixer
  10. Turn the mixer on high, add our mixture and form the meringue. You have to beat until the foam turns, turning the container, it doesn't fall, it has to be firm
  11. Spread over the pie, bake in the oven to brown on top or with a blowtorch to brown your pie
  12. Take it to the fridge for 3 hours and it's ready, enjoy

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