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homemade bonbon

Photo of the homemade bonbon – recipe of homemade bonbon on DeliRec
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homemade bonbon

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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


18 servings

Andreia Miranda

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Milk chocolate flavor coating274 g
  • condensed milk1/2 unit(s)
  • Sour cream1/2 unit(s)
  • Cocoa Powder2 tablespoon
  • Silicone acetate candy molds1 unit(s)
  • White chocolate flavor coating to decorate50 g
  1. Start by preparing the filling for the bonbon, which will be the brigadeiro
  2. In a pan, add condensed milk, cocoa powder and cream. Take to the fire (always stirring) until it's at the stuffing point.
  3. Cut the chocolate into pieces and take it to melt in the microwave in 30 to 30 seconds (always mixing)
  4. Add the melted chocolate into all the cavities of the mold, up to the marking line and tap a few times.
  5. Place the silicone and the top part, press, turn the mold and press it well into each mold
  6. Take the fridge for a few minutes (about 5 to 10 minutes) remove the silicone molds, remove the chocolate shavings with a knife
  7. Stuffing, put the lid (melted chocolate) give it a tap, go back to the fridge for a few minutes
  8. To unmold: Turn the mold
  9. To decorate: Melt the white chocolate in the microwave 30 in 30 seconds (always mixing) place in the bag, cut the tip and decorate to taste
  10. Take the fridge for a few minutes, put it in molds. Ready!

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