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Photo of the green fig jam – recipe of green fig jam on DeliRec
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green fig jam


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Tempo de preparo

55 min(s)


4 servings

Marilú Peres

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • green fig500 g
  • Sugar700 g
  • Salt1 teaspoon
  • Cloves8 unit(s)
  1. 1. First, in a clean and sanitized dish towel, place the figs together with the sugar and salt, making it as if it were a small bag. 2. Then, rub and massage gently for five minutes, so that it "sands" the fruit. 3. Amelia's tip: Remember to use green figs, without starting the ripening process. 4. Then, wash the fruits under running water, and if you prefer, scrape the skin with a knife. 5. Finally, cut the stem of the fig and, on its opposite side, make two superficial cuts about a millimeter deep in the shape of a cross. 6. Then, in a pan, bring the figs to the fire covered with approximately 1.5 liters of water. 7. Let it cook for five minutes on high heat after the pressure cooker. 8. Soon after, set aside and let it cool completely. 9. After this time, remove the water from the pressure cooker and return the figs to the pot again with +/ 1.5 liters of water, cook for about thirty minutes or until they are very soft. 10. Amélia's Tip: This pre-cooking process is done to remove the latex from the fig 11. After this time, let it cool completely, remove the water from the pan and add the sugar together with the cloves and 1.5 liters of water. 12. Cook over high heat (without pressure), stirring occasionally, until a thick syrup forms. The time can take about thirty minutes. 13.Finally serve with a delicious white cheese

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