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Egg white pudding

Photo of the Egg white pudding – recipe of Egg white pudding on DeliRec
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Egg white pudding


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


5 servings

Cristina Oliveira

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Eggs10 unit(s)
  • Sugar2 cup
  1. syrup ingredients ¾ cups (tea) of sugar ¼ cup (tea) of water PREPARATION MODE Preheat the oven to 150°C (low temperature). In a bowl, dissolve the water with the sugar. Transfer to a large pudding mold (with a hole in the middle) about 24 cm in diameter. Take the form directly to the low fire and let the syrup cook, without stirring, until it thickens and gets a slightly golden color. - it takes about 10 minutes, put it in the mold and rotate to caramelize the base and sides. Separate the whites from the yolks and repeat the procedure with all the eggs. Beat the egg whites on low speed with an electric mixer with 1 pinch of salt. When they start to froth, increase the speed and continue beating until they are in firm snow point, forming hard peaks - about 10 to 15 minutes. At this point, add the sugar gradually, without turning off the mixer. Beat for another 10 minutes, until a stiff meringue forms. Bring a kettle with some water to boil. It will be used to make a water bath to bake the pudding. With a tablespoon, transfer the egg whites to the prepared pan: spread a layer, smooth with the back of the spoon and tap the table a few times to make them settle down - this way the pudding is more uniform, without the risk of getting holes. . Place the pan on a rectangular baking sheet and place in the oven. Water the boiling water in the roast to form the bain-marie. Bake for 1 hour or until the pudding is browned and structured. It will grow a lot and then wilt when it cools down.

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