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Dulce de leche in the pressure cooker!

Photo of the Dulce de leche in the pressure cooker! – recipe of Dulce de leche in the pressure cooker! on DeliRec
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Dulce de leche in the pressure cooker!


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Tempo de preparo

20 min(s)


10 servings

Ritha Trajano

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Condensed milk395 g
  1. 1. In the pressure cooker, place a closed can of condensed milk - if it has a paper label, remove it and, with a small knife, scrape off the glue (it can clog the pot valve).
  2. 2. Cover with water, two fingers above the can. Cover the pan and place over medium heat. When it starts to beep, let it cook for 20 minutes.
  3. 3. Turn off the heat and let the steam escape naturally. When the pressure ends, open the lid and remove the can with tweezers so you don't burn yourself.
  4. 4. Allow to cool for at least 2 hours before opening the can. Preferably do it the day before.

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